Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Wow!.. NYCC is right around th' corner and as usual, I'm scramblin' like an egg to get ready!!  Here's my EXCLUSIVE NYCC TMNT print I drawed for sale at my ARTIST ALLEY TABLE V-17!!.. we use th' glorious Epson Fine Velvet paper and it looks like a dream!

So stop by ARTIST ALLEY TABLE V-17 and get yer TMNT print as well as stickers, trading cards, mini comix, orginal art and more!  October 8-11 in th' big apple!!..

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

frank n. stein wishes you all a happy labor day!..

that musta been a whole lotta labor for th' good doctor and igor to put together ol' frank!..you woulda thought he coulda been a little more thankful, huh?..